"The Shadows of the Forgotten Ancestors" Movie Museum

Glyph settlement, Verkhovyna district
GPS coordinates: 48.147856 24.828213

The museum was founded in 2000. Main activities: watching the tape and being acquainted with the filming history of the "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" movie. The museum hold the following exhibitions: the life and work of outstanding people; way of life and ethnography; historical and architectural heritage. Serhiy Paradzhanov lived in this house during the filming of the "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" movie (gold medals of the "Southern Cross" and Thessaloniki festivals, British Film Academy award for the best foreign film). A creative team of the film: camera operator - Yuriy Illenko, artist - Georgiy Yakutovich, actors Ivan Mykolaichuk, Larisa Kadochnikova and others had also spent time here.


